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Document and Entity Information
Financial Statements
Consolidated balance sheets
Consolidated balance sheets (Parenthetical)
Consolidated statements of operations
Consolidated statements of comprehensive loss
Consolidated statements of shareholders' equity
Consolidated statements of changes in shareholders' equity (Parenthetical)
Consolidated statements of cash flows
Notes to Financial Statements
Significant accounting policies
Certain transactions
Fair value of financial instruments
Investment in marketable securities
Property and equipment, net
Intangible assets, net
Derivatives and hedging
Other account payables and accrued expenses
Commitments and contingencies
Long term loan and other non-current liabilities
Financial income, net
Shareholders' equity
Income Taxes
Segment and geographic information
Accounting Policies
Significant accounting policies (Policies)
Notes Tables
Significant accounting policies (Tables)
Certain transactions (Tables)
Fair value of financial instruments (Tables)
Investment in marketable securities (Tables)
Property and equipment, net (Tables)
Intangible assets, net (Tables)
Derivatives and hedging (Table)
Other account payables and accrued expenses (Table)
Commitments and contingencies (Tables)
Long term loan and other non-current liabilities (Tables)
Financial income, net (Tables)
Shareholders' equity (Tables)
Income Taxes (Table)
Segment and geographic information (Table)
Notes Details
General (Details)
Significant accounting policies (Narrative) (Details)
Significant accounting policies (Schedule of Percentage of Depreciation of Property and Equipment, Net) (Details)
Certain transactions (Acquisitions Narrative) (Details)
Certain transactions (Schedule of Fair Value of Acquired Assets and Assumed Liabilities) (Details)
Certain transactions (Schedule of Fair Value of Consideration Transferred) (Details)
Certain transactions (Other transactions) (Details)
Fair value of financial instruments (Schedule of Fair Value of Financial Assets Measurement) (Details)
Fair value of financial instruments (Summary of Changes in Fair Value of Contingent Consideration) (Details)
Investment in marketable securities (Details)
Property and equipment, net (Schedule of Property and equipment, net) (Details)
Intangible assets, net (Narrative) (Details)
Intangible assets, net (Schedule of Intangible assets, net) (Details)
Intangible assets, net (Schedule of estimated future amortization of intangible assets) (Details)
Derivatives and hedging (Narrative) (Details)
Derivatives and hedging (Schedule of Losses Reclassified From Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss) (Details)
Other account payables and accrued expenses (Schedule of Other Payable and Accrued Expenses) (Details)
Commitments and contingencies (Narrative) (Details)
Commitments and contingencies (Schedule of Future Minimum Lease Payments Under Non-cancelable Lease) (Details)
Long term loan and other non-current liabilities (Narrative) (Details)
Long term loan and other non-current liabilities (Schedule of Long-term Loan and Other Long-term Liabilities) (Details)
Long term loan and other non-current liabilities (Schedule of Future Payments of Long-term Loan) (Details)
Financial income, net (Details)
Shareholders' equity (Narrative) (Details)
Shareholders' equity (Schedule of Ordinary Shares and Protected Ordinary Shares Issued and Outstanding) (Details)
Shareholders' equity (Schedule of Status of Options) (Details)
Shareholders' equity (Schedule of Fair Value of Options Estimated on Grant Date) (Details)
Shareholders' equity (Schedule of Options Outstanding under 2011 Plan and 2011 Sub-Plan) (Details)
Shareholders' equity (Schedule of Status of RSU) (Details)
Shareholders' equity (Schedule of Stock-Based Compensation Costs) (Details)
Income Taxes (Narrative) (Details)
Income Taxes (Schedule of Domestic and Foreign Loss Before Income Taxes) (Details)
Income Taxes (Schedule of Domestic and Foreign Income Taxes) (Details)
Income Taxes (Schedule of Reconciliation Tax Benefit at Israeli Statutory Tax Rate) (Details)
Income Taxes (Schedule of Deferred tax assets) (Details)
Segment and geographic information (Schedule of Geographic Areas Based on Location) (Details)
Segment and geographic information (Schedule of Property and Equipment by Geographical Areas) (Details)
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